Knights, Presidents and amazing bird boys!
>> Friday, April 25, 2008
Well, for all of you who haven't been updated for a few weeks, have we got some news for you! Jenner and Zach are pretty amazing Bird Boys! Jenner ran for Sophmore Vice President this past week and after some really clever sayings, "Be Heard, Vote Bird" "Lover of None, Friend to All" the winning slogan became "Vote Bird, Friend of Nerds" and had a picture (a geeky one I might add) of one of Jenner's Friends, Erik Armstrong doing a peace sign with a dazed look on his eyeglassed/braces face!! It also had a photo of Jenner looking as though he was flying through the air doing a jump off a log at the Oregon Coast, so the photos really made the poster come to life. (Not sure if we took a picture of it, but if we did I will get it posted eventually!) He also had to perform a skit on Channel One News (at the school) wherein he sold brains of Einstein ($1 million dollars) and Edison ($5 Million) and then his competition ($50 BILLION) why the price difference? His competitions brains haven't been used!!! The skit went over very well and got a lot of laughs. So now he will drop one of his classes for next year in order to dedicate time to making changes for his Sophomore class. GO JENNER!!
Now Zach on the other hand has officially been dubbed Sir Zach, a royal knight in Mrs Ahlstroms 6th grade class. He earned 285 points (15 points shy of being the KING!!) and was 'knighted' this past week. The interesting story behind this 'knight-hood' is how he came to earn those 285 points. In typical Zach fashion, a single page document outlining all the helmets, royal gear, research papers to write, Crusaders speeches to declare, shields to design was presented to me on Tuesday night of this week at about 8pm. Due Date? Wednesday morning. Items to be completed? 12. So it became a family affair of scrambling, cutting, coloring, gluing, researching and typing for a frantic 3 hours before we all collapsed in a heap but vowed to get up early and attach the remaining projects yet again. 6am we all jumped up and went back to work. Zach was armed with a giant shield, an amazing helmet, a very wicked Kings Crown, a lovely hennin (or womans/princess hat) a research paper on symbols, a crusaders speech on not having homework be allowed, a sword, a breastplate (pure cardboard and duct tape) and several notes of other things that were 'finished'. It amazes me what can be accomplished with a roll of duct tape and an empty cardboard box. So we welcome to our family SIR ZACHARY!!
Hello to the cutest aunt in the world. Gma told me that you had a blog now. Welcome to the world of blogging. It is so fun and so addicting. Hope things are going good for you it sounds and looks like you are all busy. Post some more pics so we can see what you are all doing sometime. Check out our blog
talk to ya later.
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