20 years of marriage...I AM IRONMAN!!!
>> Sunday, May 4, 2008
Rich and I are celebrating 20 years of marriage! Today is our 20th Anniversary, and he is in Kentucky! UGH! So we took advantage of spending time together last night. I arrived home in the late afternoon to a table FILLED with beautiful roses and the yummiest homemade cinnamon rolls. Rich had spent the afternoon weeding the front walk way (to plant the roses in) and baking with the kids! After a much deserved kiss, we went to Chef's Table in Provo and had an amazing dinner that consisted of crab cakes, rolls, sorbet, filet mignon with an amazing mushroom and bleu cheese sauce, chicken with this creamy sauce and perfect rice, and then a fresh strawberry with custard sauce dessert. It was so delicious! Our final stop was to go see IRONMAN....what a great 'summer-movie'!! Great witty dialogue and fun interchanges. The plot is always weak with a superhero comic remake, but honestly, Rich and I thought this one was great, and we especially loved the ending wherein there is the pathway laid for a sequel as Robert Downy Jr. AKA Tony Starks claims in a press conference....I AM IRONMAN!! Really a great flick. Of course now, being able to get the tune to Ironman out of my head is a whole different story. And of course, even after 20 years, the saying still holds true....Loved you once, Love you still, Always have, Always will! Happy 20th!
Jenner and Mckenzie and several of their friends went to see the 1030pm showing of it the night before and said they didn't think it was that great....hmmm...I think it was just past their bedtime! Either that or these two kids have no sense of humor!
First, congratulations on your anniversary celebration! Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Secondly, I appreciate your review of Iron Man. I'd forgotten about this movie, and now remember being excited to see Robert Downey, Jr. in a preview for it a while back. Being a RDJ fan, and older than a teenager, I'll probably enjoy it, too. ;-) Can't wait!
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