Rich (the Spazz) and Wendy, November 07

>> Saturday, April 5, 2008

We went up to Timp to play around in nature with the kids, Mckenzie was our photographer and got some great shots of everyone playing in the creek, the leaves, and etc. Rich was MOST uncooperative and wouldn't take a decent photo...but we caught him as he was forcing a smile...and so I'm posting it since everyone is always asking who this better half of mine actually is since he is seldom around!


Teresa April 05, 2008  

Now we're talking! Good job with the many blog entries. Love it, and love seeing a picture of you two!

Susan, Susie, Suz May 01, 2008  

Hey! Thanks for joining the blogging world! If any family has stuff to blog, it will ALWAYS be the Birds!

Honestly, you wear me out...and I want more!

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