Halloween Fun

>> Sunday, November 9, 2008

We had an amazing Sunday dinner with the Holbrooks, mom, and Wade's mom, Carolyn. The camera wasn't that handy, but we had Cafe Rio dinner, watched Wade cream Zach and Rich in chess (he used to be in CHess club and was a CHAMPION!!), had a FUN halloween SPIDER cake and then talked and talked and talked. IT was really a great evening!

Due to technical difficulties (we couldn't find the camera) we have NO HALLOWEEN pictures from this year!!! WHHAAAA~ but we did snag one of Mckenzie, who spontaneously dressed up as Belle, by buying her dress at the Goodwill and making a 'Belle' dress because the Disney one was too expensive, and renting one was over $100!! She was such an amazing Belle that when she went to Walmart afterwards, a woman ran up to her and invited her to do her daughers B-day party the following Saturday (and yes, Mck got paid for it and thought that it was pretty cool!) So she was a cute hit all the way around. Jerica went with her gypsy outfit again, Zach did a zombie/car wreck victim, and Jenner did a pirate, Wesly from Princess Bride/Zombie carrying a sword weird thing. They all went Tricker Treating and we had an informal open house here at the house wherein everyone could stop by casually. It went quite well, we started with Zach and his friends, then Jerica nd her friends, then Zach and Jeri left, then Jenner and his friends were here, then they left, and about the time they left, Jordan and his group showed up. The only ones who didnt' have friends dropping by was Rich and I!! But that is no surprise...they were all out taking care of their own tricker treaters.

Jerica and I maintained our tradition of the wonderful story of Jack and the Black bubblegum in her class this year. It was a HUGE hit. I am sad that there is only one more year left to go do that traditional halloween story that I have been giving my kids' classes for going on 10 years now! So sad! But it was fun and the kids were all enthralled with the story and were fascinated with the 'black bubblegum' as it appeared from the witches hand!

Other than that, the Birds are all alive and well here in Utah. Wendy takes off for Philippines on Monday the 17th and returns the night of the 24th. So no blogging till then! It will be Thanksgiving fun catch up at that point!


lundgrenville November 09, 2008  

Love the pictures! Halloween was a blast in our neck of the woods!

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