Another Day in the Life of the Birds

>> Monday, September 22, 2008

Well, at least this time around there is a reason for my negligence in updating the blog. This past week has found us at Primary's with a different child this time around....Mckenzie! On Thursday afternoon we went to the Dr with some 'spots' and streaking and large amounts of bruising. We were sent to Timpanogos Hospital for labwork and 30 minutes later rushed to Primary's Children hospital with a platelet count of 11,000. (normal range is 30-45,000). After spending 11 hours at the ER and various forms of testing, Leukemia was ruled out and we were told to check in with Oncology in the morning. Oncology couldnt' fit Mckenzie in until today at noon. We arrived not sure what to expect.
Several hours later (it's now 4pm) and Mckenzie's platelets have dropped to 6,000, she sustained a nose bleed that took 45 minutes to clot and an entire pack of Kleenix to prevent from dripping all over the floor and she has now been admitted for some serious platelet work. IVIG is her first option, and if that doesnt' work (or she is RH-) then we move onto Anti-rho D treatment. Her spirits are good (moms are a bit worse...but she's just a little more emotional when it comes to her babies) and we are trying to stay upbeat and positive.

There is concern for lupus, and they will be testing for that over the next 24 hours and we are expected to be discharged from hospital within the next 3 days. Hopefully she will respond well to the treatment and her platelet count will increase rapidly. Since we have my laptop, we will take photos and update the blog frequently! Here is our first photo, waiting for results of labwork.


Tiffany Matthews September 22, 2008  

We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers. I know that gma & gpa as well as myself and my dad will be checking for updates all the time. Thank goodness for the internet. Let us know if there is anything that we can do. Tell everyone hi and we love them.

lundgrenville September 25, 2008  

We will keep her in our prayers. She is a fighter! Most girls are. :)

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