Hiking in Portland to a WATERFALL...UGH

>> Sunday, August 31, 2008

So then on Saturday, we dropped Rich off at Portland airport and began our journey home. We stopped at Multahomandamht falls (or something like that) and decided since it was only 2 in the afternoon we should stop off and hike to the top of a waterfall...and I hope I never have a thought like that again!! We decided it would be lots of fun to hike to one that was recommended by the ranger, because then we would pass three other falls and could swim at the one at the top. 4 miles and at least 2 hours later, we were hot, sweaty, thirsty (no water bottles) sore (wearing flip flops) and exhausted and wondering if we were EVER going to get where we were supposed to be going. As we came around another switchback, there was a mini falls on the trail, so we doused our heads under the water and cooled off as much as possible and used our hands cupped together to drink some of the water. Man was that a refreshing stop! We reached our falls, took a few photos, then quickly made our way back down so that we could get to Boise before 2am! It took a huge chunk of time out of our day, was a lot of fun, but also a lot of hard work. Jenner was brave enough to swim out to where the waterfall fell, and you can kind of see his head bobbing off behind Jerica as she crouches down!


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