>> Monday, July 21, 2008

You'll have to close your eyes for the graphic photos that will be posted on this blog! Zach did a major tackle on Ben (the triplets) during a game of football this afternoon, and in grabbing Ben by the back of the shoulders, was not prepared for him to keep running....right across the side walk and through the garden rail...dragging Zach's kneecap through it and ripping it wide open!! 3 hours later, Zach and I are finally home from the Dr's! 17 stitches...Zach wants that really pronounced....SEVENTEEN STITCHES!!! No crying, no screaming, no running away, and no needles (he went for the numbing cream!) What a trooper this guy was. He attributes it to me letting him use my cell phone to play brickbreaker, but I think he's just at that point in life where he is an absolute STUD!!! Way to be brave Zach!


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