>> Sunday, July 27, 2008

What a week at the Bird house! We are fast becoming famous! Zach received a letter in the mail from the Boys Life Magazine that had $2 enclosed in it. For Why? Because they published HIS JOKE!! He was so pumped! In fact, he is so excited that we have posted his photo of him holding the magazine and the joke page, but you'll have to hold it up to a mirror to read it! It's backwards! That was a huge highlight for him! It's the "Daffynition" one, his finger is pointing to it.

Jenner and Zach both began their drum lessons this week from Danny Huntsman at the Piano Gallery in Orem. And they did FANTASTIC! He said they did more in this first week then most kids come away with in several! Jerica and Zach are still pursuing piano talents as well, so within a short time we could well be on our way to a BIRD ROCK BAND! If only we could convince Jordan to come home and be the guitarist!


lundgrenville July 28, 2008  

How cool is that!! Guess he is on his of becoming famous...eh??
Hey, if your starting a rock band...let me know in a year, and I will book a show down here in Arizona...:)
Love the pictures!! The kiddos are getting so big and growing up fast!

Teresa July 30, 2008  

Zach, I want to hear some of your jokes when you come visit Oregon next month!

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