Jenner At EFY

>> Sunday, June 29, 2008

This week I went to EFY at The U of U ( BYU is still way better just not for EFY) and had the most Tubeular (My new word) time EVER!!! In my group there was Alec, Chandler, Collin, Carson, Corbin, Cole, and Me!!! The girls in our group were Bryn, Kim, Kimberly, Josee, Jasmine, Ashley, Haylie, and Niki!!! The Girl leader was Nicole (AKA Mama Bear!!!!) and the guy leader was Tyler!!! Our name was Glory of the Moon!!! Our cheer was *Boom snap clap snap boom snap clap snap* etc and then you said “Aint no party like a moon light party UH Uh Uh Say what! Like five times then you said “and we say!!!! We got the Glory and we come from the west! *Clap Clap Clap Clap* We’re from the moon and we know we’re the best!!!!*Clap Clap Clap Clap* Bat man superman!! *Clap Clap Clap Clap*Can’t do what we all can!!! We’re Glory of the MOON!!!” Yeah it was way fun!!! We got second in the cheer and fourth in the flag which was of lthe batman symbol on the moon! The dances on Tuesday and Friday were a blast!!!! Friday night we sang a song we wrote in like an hour to the girls and mama bear started to cry!!! It goes like this…
I only remember the Chorus so later when I get the verses I’ll post them too!!!

EFY Girls are the girls I’m talkin’ about!
They’re the most beautiful girls no doubt!
And I love to escort them down the street!
Talking with them is really neat...

Thursday was the best day! You felt the spirit so strong all day and especially during testimony meeting and the
EFY Medley!!! I love that song!!!
And … um… yeah I think that’s it… Oh yea!!! I got a cool friendship bracelet with this awesome girl named Chelsea!!! It is sweet!!! EFY Was GREAT!!!


Birdy Bunch News June 30, 2008  

Jenner you ROCK! you are so're EFY boy and you come from the are amazing and I think youre the're my son and I'm so stand out just hangin in a crowd!

And uh yeah....thanks for posting a blog! Love you! mom

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