Sunday Update December 30th 2007

>> Sunday, December 30, 2007

Well, it's Sunday before the New Year of 08 begins! The birds are off to a great new year start thus far! We have had a wonderful Christmas season filled with fun gifts, sledding, tubing, and friends and family. We had marvelous visits from Maryland (dad), California (mom and Uncle Gene) and even Oregon (Ballantynes). The kids have loved having time off school, but Zach is having to make a Hover-Board for his Science Fair project, so his vacation is more of a working holiday!
Jenner has had a bit of a set back and has spent the bulk of the holiday keeping it easy due to fevers/flares. He came down with pneumonia and is regaining his strength as I type this! He really loves Rock Band, the new game we got from Granpa Rick and has become a great drummer, guitar player, and even singer.
Jerica has surprised us all by picking up the guitar on Rock Band! She is AMAZING! She is still doing the piano with Zach, but is off until the 14th as her teacher is a BYU student! She and Zach and Jenner all entertained us with wonderful piano songs over the holidays. Jingle Bells, Santa Claus is coming to Town, and more.
Mckenzie is still working at Best Buy, and likes that. Her big news of December was getting her wisdom teeth out just before Christmas. She did well the first few days, but then developed dry socket, and that was NOT FUN. But she doesn't whine as loud as she used to, especially when she's on pain meds, she just becomes really nice and loopy, and that's a Kenzie we can all love!
Jordan is still at Best Buy as well. He is dating a girl named Mckell right now and we all really enjoy her! She made the most amazing dinner ever when Syd and Gene were here. Crock pot roast beef, homemade salad and amazing cupcakes with this really cool frosting...the whole meal was a great hit, especially with me, who didn't have to cook!! I'm ready to adopt her into the family! She is really a fun girl.
Richard is still doing that crazy California commute. He's been home the last week, which has been SO NICE. We've caught up on a lot of things which makes life just a little bit smoother.
Pearl business is still up and going. My Princess Pearls store is open Monday through Saturday. I have a great employee that can run things quite capably. The Foundation, Pearls With A Purpose is still shipping clothes, food and educational supplies to 29 provinces in the Philippines. To date we have shipped over 820 boxes of goods. Believe International, the educational scholarship program we work with, currently has 296 students attending school with their program, 54 of which we supply tuitions for. The genuine pearl jewelry is amazing and I'm happy to report that I attended the GIA gem grading classes this fall and am now a certified gemologist. YIPEE!

So life has been busy and full of surprises as well as sweet remembrances of kindness and love!
A very happy new year to all our loved ones!

The Birdy Bunch Reporter...Wendy


Teresa February 04, 2008  

We want more news! We want more news! It's time to post more news!

Hint. Hint.

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