Catching up With Jenners 16th B-day

>> Monday, April 27, 2009

So its been a LONG time since I've posted a blog update. But that doesn't mean stuff hasn't been happening! In February Jenner turned 16, Mckenzie turned 18 and I aged as well!

Jenner invited over a bunch of his friends and they all went Lazer Tagging and came back for food, folks and fun! Mck and her friends all dressed up as Chineese girls and went around the mall acting foreign. (yes, they do this often...sigh!)

Jerica had to do a Science Project for her 5th grade class. She chose to see what would happen if pearls were soaked in various liquids such as bleach (not good) hydrogen peroxide (faded the pearl) and coca cola (disintegrated the pearl). Her report turned out really good and she got an A on her project!


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