11 Days Before Christmas

>> Sunday, December 14, 2008

Here we are with 11 days to go before that amazing day arrives. It's been a whirlwind year. Especially a whirlwind Nov/Dec.
I had a show to do in Boston this past week, which had a layover in Baltimore. So I arranged to meet with Rick at BWI. Unfortunately the plane was delayed from Manchester to BWI, so instead of having 2 hours to hang with dad, I had about 2 minutes! The plane landed at 4:50Pm, and I grabbed my large blue bag of gifts for all the East Coast family and started RUNNING! I made it out to the airport/Southwest entrance by 4:55 and called Dad's cell. We met right in front of the security entrance with a big ole hug. Then he asked the magical question "when is the next flight to SLC" "Five fifteen" I replied! AGH! We talked for 5 minutes and I ran back through security with a large box of Godiva Chocolates courtesy of Grammy Speaks, and I raced over to my gate and ran onto my plane with minutes to spare!
What a life! But oh so worth living!

Rich is home from California for the next two weeks, which will be incredibly nice. We have lots of Christmas 'stuff' to get ready for. My employee is off to Mexico to build houses for 2 weeks, and the kids are out of school this coming Friday, so I think the rest of the year will be a blur of busy-ness!

If I don't make it back onto the blog before the end of the year, may you all have a very wonderful Christmas holiday and a fantastic leap into 2009!


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