Back from California :P
>> Sunday, July 6, 2008
I flew to Maryland on May 28th on the last day of school, and started the week long summer seminar that Saturday, I was at The USNA until that Thursday. It was hard but a lot of fun, everyday we woke up at 5 and ran out to do PT (Physical Training) (They love acronyms :P)
we had morning PEP where in we got motivated by doing push ups, sit ups, running, crunches, tabletops and more oh joy! Throughout the week we ran at least 15 miles, jogged/staggered up 5 flights of stairs 3 times a day (lucky me, my dorm was on the very top), did over 300 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, 6 hours of drill, and wrote one essay. We completed 4 trials, the PRT, Drill competition, the CFA, and Sea Trials. The Sea Trials was on Wednesday, it consisted of Four 2 hour areas, the first was running around/through the entire campus with some breaks, while running we were wearing, our issued t-shirt, their shorts and on top of the shorts heavy grey sweatpants. It was hot and gross!! After all that running most of the guys shirts were soaked all the way through yuck... Then we got in formation and marched across the bridge to hospital point. At hospital point (lovely name) there were 4 areas, lucky us we got to go to wet and sandy first! In wet and sandy we got completely soaked and then did push ups and more with our company. it sucked. The worst part was having the sand all over for the rest of it. Then we played soccer for 30 min if you didn't run after the ball you had to do push ups and the team that lost had to do.... yea push ups. Then we did a bunch of relays up a hill, like fireman carries, lunges, and sprinting. Then for the final area we had to jump in a boat and paddle out to a certain point and then come back oh and if you lost you did PUSH UPS!
After that we ran back around the point to get to our buses while it rained on us. There weren't enough seats on the bus so I was on the floor and I was literally shaking sitting there. Right before the buses pulled out to take us to the endurance course they announced a tornado warning (my thoughts were God really answers my prayers ;) ) so we waited in the bus for 15 min and then ran inside alumni hall, everyone was soaked thats how hard it was raining!
We missed out on the endurance course and the pool section which I was kinda sad about.
So there you have it just one week of my summer and its already forever long!
On Thurs my mom and Jerica were there and came to pick me up! We went to My Fair Lady and went to visit my cousins and uncle, we also went to Wegman's YAY!! On Monday Jerica and my mom went back to Utah and on Tuesday I went to California!!
I got to hang out with everyone in Newbury Park and go to their graduation that Friday I can't believe Dillon and Victor are all grown up. While there I pretty much lived at the Green's house! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! The only price I paid was being woken up by Brother green and his toy motorcycle "What time is it??" "Ninja Wheelie Time!! (followed by tire screeching and loud music)" ah yes I had tons of fun there ;) watching Camp Rock about ten times was the best! We went to the beach a bunch (I'm now kinda tan) and to Universal Studios, we also went to a movie screening and got free tickets to Janss... oh yeah I went to youth conference and hung out with Sarah a lot, swam in Anna's pool and addicted Kirsten to Facebook! I stayed in California for about a month and flew back on July 1st, even though I love cali and had tons of fun there its good to be back with my family!
So there aren't any pictures for this yet because I'm waiting for Kirsten to email them, but I'll have them soon.
Peace out
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