>> Monday, July 14, 2008
WOW! What a crazy week this was! And it only got better on the weekend! Everything started on Wednesday when Rich flew in to go to Scout Camp EARLY Thursday morning with Zach, up in the Uintas.
Here's how it all played out...
Tuesday night we had court of honor for Zach wherein he received an advancement to 2nd Class and all the kids got to swim at the Lindstroms canyon yard creek/pool. We returned home in time for me to race to the office and pack for Mckenzie and Raimana who were flying to St Louis Missouri at 6am. Packing took till 1130pm and then home to a house full of kids which lasted till 1am. (welcome to the world of teenagers!)
Wednesday~awoke at 4am, raced down and got Mck and Rai to the airport, got home by 530 which was just in time to wake up Jenner and get him ready for his bus that was taking him to St George (Dixie College) for a Leadership Training course for his Sophomore class presidency. Got home at 730am and ran down to the office to pack for MY show. Picked up Rich from the airport at 730pm and helped he and Zach get ready for their scout trip which was at 630am the next morning. Bedtime-2am
Thursday~up at 4am yet again. Zach and Rich were leaving at 630am, Zach's pack was so heavy he had to roll around on the floor to hoist it up! I took myself to the airport at 430 for my 6am flight to Dallas. Arrived in Dallas at 10am and found a shuttle to the hotel. Met Gail, we set up the booth and began to vend our wares! Met about 500 amazing business women who were all amazing and wonderful. Was 1 of 7 finalists for the FEMTOR awards ( out of about 1900 applications. Did NOT win (can't remember who did) but loved how everyone responded at my table when they read my name and bio!! Everyone turned and looked at me and said, "Hey! That's YOU on the screen...we're sitting with royalty!" ha ha! It was funny! Many commented on the picture, to which I responded, "yeah, photoshop is just a modern day miracle!" We were up till 1am selling and talking and went to bed BEYOND exhausted!
Friday~up at 630am to be at our table by 730am. Another blur of a day! Met more amazing people, sold lots of pearls. Bedtime-1am.
Saturday~up at 630am to be at table by 730am. Feel like a MAC truck has run me over...4 days and about 10 hours of sleep does not a pretty Wendy make! Made it through the day and frantically packed up at 4pm, (just myself, not the whole table!) caught the shuttle at 417, got dropped at the airport at 520pm which is when the amazing surprise happened! Jordan called. He was on his way home from work and wondered if I could book him a ticket to SLC for the weekend! I pulled up my laptop, searched, and found him a pretty reasonable flight and then I booked it, was the last one on the plane, sat next to an amazing guy named Jared from Ogden who had just retired from the Army (GREAT STORIES!!) and landed at 830pm. Waited till 915pm for Mck and Rai, then we all waited till 1015pm for Jordan to land! We raced to give him hugs (Kenzie won) and then drove home in a flurry of chatter!
Arrived at home around 1130pm and spent the next several hours with all SEVEN BIRDS under the same roof for the first time in 3 months! It was SO AWESOME!!! I didn't know how much I had missed Jordan until I didn't have to miss him anymore.
Rich and Zach regaled us with camp tales, Jenner with "the food was gross" tales and Jerica with "I had SO MUCH fun with Gramma" tales and Jordan with "door to door selling sucks" tales and me and Mck with "Selling pearls is rockin awesome" tales!!! It was SO GREAT!!
Sunday-up at 9am....HEAVEN!!! Finally a good nights sleep! Went to church with Jordan and then went and taught Sunday School and then came home and had a great dinner with everyone, even Gramma! We all talked and played games till about 930pm, then gramma left and we talked and played more games. The only photo we got of Jordan was his standard one...SLEEPING! Bedtime-midnight.
Monday (today!) up at 7am and off to process the two shows. Rich got up at 6 and ran Jordan to the airport to return to Portland...we all miss him already! But what a great amazing surprise reunion!!
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