Mother's Day 2008
>> Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mother, mom, mommy, ma, all the traditional names evoke a sense of love, belonging, and care and nurture. This Mother's Day was a most unusual one here at the Bird house, but it was Mother's Day nonetheless, and I loved every minute of it. It caused me to reflect on how lucky I am to have a husband who has instilled in his children the sacredness of the day. Even tho Rich was in Mesa giving HIS mother an amazing Mother's day, he ensured that I was treated equally as well in his absence. For years he has always prodded the kids early in the morning to create a spectacular breakfast spread on a tray, delivered to me in bed. COmplete with flowers, cards, syrup, napkin, and all the other possible essentials for enjoying a great breakfast. He always gives me warning so that I can jump up and use the bathroom and brush my teeth before the tray enters the room, carried by the pride and joy of all the kids who had participated. As they eagerly await me taking my first bite, I savor the moment of having all my children around me, knowing that as they get older, and go their separate ways, there will not be many more times when all five kids are there with me. And this was that year.
Jordan has moved to Oregon, so he was absent. Mckenzie had to work, so she was absent, and Richard was with his parents, so he was absent. Yet the love and feelings of Mother's Day were present in spite of the absences. Jordan sent a beautiful email, Richard called several times, Mckenzie woke all the children up at 6am to hustle them into the kitchen and prepare the breakfast on the tray, and Zach, jenner and Jerica all joined me in bed and ate with me! Syrup on the sheets is a great trade off to be able to eat together in bed!!
Richard helped Zach prepare his Mother's Day talk for church over the phone and Zach did a superb job in his delivery of it! Mckenzie took off to work. Then Rich spent 20 minutes with me on the phone helping me outline and prepare my sunday school lesson! After wards we made the phone calls to all the wonderful mother's that are in my life and thanked them for being my mom. It was a wonderful and complete day, and the best part happened at evening, when Zach, Jerica and Jenner and I took a walk to the park together and swung in the swings and I shared stories with them of my childhood and swing jumps and my first swear word (which occured on a swing set!!) We laughed, played relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. Then upon arriving home, there was a wonderful heartfelt email from Jordan and an hour long phone call with my Oregonian boy that I miss so much, and after we hung up at 1130, the day finally felt complete. As every woman knows, being able to touch base with those we love and care for, is truly the greatest gift any mother can have on this day. I am truly a loved mother.
Beautiful. You are both loved and blessed. Good job, Rich, for teaching your children the importance of Mother's Day. It's a most difficult holiday for many mothers. I'm so glad that it was such a wonderful one for you, Wendy, because your family made it so. You deserved it!
what a thoughtful family you have. I'm glad to hear that you had such a nice day
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