Spring 2008
>> Thursday, March 27, 2008
Well, March is here and about to storm into April. I need to get in gear and get an update before it's summer, so here is my springtime news. A lot is happening in this BirdWorld! I think I will need to do a breakdown of people in order not to miss anything. So let's go in order of age...which would put Richard FIRST!
Rich is still traveling back and forth to California. He actually really likes being in Cali, and I think if we could have a perfect world, we would live in Cali and not Utah, but such is the life...we are IN Utah, and I am NOT MOVING again! He is now traveling Tuesday through Friday. Another new guy has just come aboard at Technicolor, Jim, and he is going to commute to Cali as well (he lives in SLC), so Rich and he are thinking of getting an apartment. We will also most likely be putting one of our cars back down there (we just brought it back in December!!). Rich loves being home on the weekends, and particularly this past weekend was exceptional! Being Easter we had an amazing Easter Sunday which began with a "Throw-Down" cook off in the kitchen between Rich and Jordan. Jerica and I were the judges, and Zach made himself the 'announcer' (this was done by walking in and out of the kitchen, randomly, and yelling out how much time was left and how gross things looked/smelled!!) and Jenner was the verbal criticizer! Mckenzie was off in California enjoying prom, so she wasn't in attendance, more about her in a few more paragraphs!
Jordan won the cook-off with a recipe to die for. It has a wonderful unique secret ingredient which you will have to see if he will share it with you. It was a delicious combination of eggs, cheese, sausage, toast, honey and cinnamon sugar and butter.
Rich won for presentation. He had a remarkably beautiful display of eggs mixed with vegies and cheese, small canteloupe scoops drizzled with banana yogurt, and triangular shaped toasts. Very tasty! But missing that secret ingredient! We then proceeded with the egg hunt which we all got involved in, then off to church where Rich and I did a FANTASTIC job teaching about the Atonement. After church we went to moms house for a yummy lamb dinner and a fun egg hunt that involved the time-line of Christ. It was just a fantastic day/evening!
Wendy: Well, since I talk to everyone, you all know where I am in life. Suffice it to say that yes, I'm still busy, yes, I still over-commit, and yes, I still love home made chocolate chip cookies. I am still working out every single day and half the time I have between 2-4 kids with me, and last Saturday I even had a husband with me! I love the strength that my body is gaining and my passion for rock climbing continues to increase! I just love that challenge of getting to the top. Some day I will stick with just ONE color of holds to get to the top!!! The pearl business is moving right along and the foundation is doing some amazing things, you can visit www.myprincesspearls.com for some fun Mother's Day needs or www.pearlswithapurpose.org to see how lives in the Philippines are changing!
Jordan: Well, this is one soon-to-be 19 year old that continues to amaze Rich and I. Jordan is off to Oregon, Portland, in about 4 weeks. He is signed on with Barrier Pest Control and will be walking all over the greater Portland area convincing home owners to protect their yard and shrubbery from deadly insects!! He is also hoping to make several thousand dollars doing this...so if you live in Portland...SIGN UP! He is still working for Best Buy and is in school at UVU (UVSC just became a University)
Mckenzie: Now this is one child I could blog all day about! She has just returned from a most amazing trip to Cali wherein she was invited to attend prom down in Newbury Park! Her dress was beyond phenomenal and her date was a total hottie! They had a blast and went with a great group and then she stayed on an extra 4 days to hang with all of her friends (they were on spring break). HUGE thanks goes out to the Green family who kindly consented for Mika to live in their home for the five days!! She is still with Best Buy as well and we will have her prom pictures posted here soon!
Her plans are to head over to Cali for the summer and work and live and then head off to Europe for Study Abroad for her senior year. Now this girl has PLANS! She also was just recruited for Summer Seminar at the Naval Academy in Annapolis MD, which it looks like she will be attending the end of May, first of June for a week. Go Rampa Rick! You finally got a Bird to attend the Academy...BEAT ARMY!
Jenner: Another busy busy bird boy... this one is right in the middle of track season...and LOVING it! His first real exercise/sport in 3 years and he's been able to do it thus far. He had his first meet on Monday and did great for his run, but his shotput was a bit off compared to his practices. He had a Blast! He just got registered for High School, yes, you heard/read me right...HIGH school! He is signed up for Drama club, Spanish, Media, and Ballroom, in addition to his Honors math, english and etc. He will be a very busy sophomore! His hair is still long and he is currently soliciting for bids on getting it buzzed. The guys are willing to pay, but the girls are all "Oh no, don't cut your hair Jenner, it looks SO good long"! (bummer!) So far he is at about $80, but he won't do it for less than $200...so time will tell on that one.
Zach: this kid is going to be a drummer, on stage comedian, or billionaire. Probably all three! He is doing amazing in his 6 grade A.L.L class and has been invited to several parties at friends houses this year. He ALSO got registered for Junior High School. Yes, a 7th grader is in our midst! He is going to take Spanish, Boys choir, drama and the Honors English, Honors Math and etc. He is very excited to begin at the junior high and be reunited with all of his friends from Meadow and our old neighborhood. His latest love is a fun place called Jump On It. We gave it a trial test on Monday night for FHE and it was a blast...wall to wall trampolines. Seamless! So much fun. Jumps after jumps after jumps. He is turning 12 on April 5th and would like to host his party there.
Jerica: Last but not least is this sweet little nearly 10 year old (June 2nd!) She is just loving life and everything in it. She had the huge accomplishment of rearranging her room this week and is just so thrilled with how it turned out. It really is much better the way she did it, and the best part is all the clutter and dejunking we got to do...2 bags of stuff for shipping to Philippines! Her greatest love right now is playing with the 5 pug puppies that were born 4 weeks ago. (there were 7, but two died) And boy are they cute bundles of fun! they are still small enough to fit in your hand and have the greatest coloring and expressions! They are a great way to have all the troubles and traumas of life slide right out the door as you sit and hold them!
The Bird Life is moving full steam ahead...I will make a more concentrated effort to post consistently in the future!
Loved reading your updated news! What an awesome family you have - so busy and accomplishing great things. I'll be checking back often for pictures of Mckenzie at prom, and I'm curious to see one of Jenner with his long hair, too. Actually, you better just post photos of everyone. :-)
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